Indica questa procedura:
1. Download the file Attachment 10876 , unpack (password for archive
2. Save the file on your laptop.
3. Remove navigation/radio unit, open it up till you get to the main board and find the small mini usb connector.
4. install Active Sync or Windows mobile Center on your laptop and connect it with the main board with a mini-usb cable.
5. Once connected go to following directory on the main board with your laptop “\Storage Card\system” and rename the file “snowball.exe” in something else, for example “_snowball.exe”.
6. Put the downloaded file into the folder where you just renamed “snowball.exe”.
7. Shutdown laptop, remove the mini usb cable and restart the system by disconnecting the fuse of the navigation/radio unit.
8. Hold the "gear" button for 5 seconds until the unit displays the firmware version.
9. Touch the center of the screen and hold for 10 seconds to enter the Testmode dealer and Click OK. (It’s not necessary to enter codes, just click OK.
10. That's it! You are on your desktop!
11. To go back click Cancel, the system reboots and runs without any possible failures!
A quanto pare utilizza il portatile collegato al navi per sostituire il file!